If you wonder why this page exist: I always wanted more than one watchlist, so I could sort them by categories or whatever. If you click on "Related changes" to your left, you get a site which shows every recent edits made for the articles that are linked from this article. I found this lately, which uses this feature have a small watchlist over the article the user created. I use this method to create a few sub-watchlists for me to keep my overview of things. :-)
- Age of EmpiresTalk:Age of Empires
- ArmagetronTalk:Armagetron
- Baldur's Gate seriesTalk:Baldur's Gate series
- Black and White (computer game)Talk:Black and White (computer game)
- CelestiaTalk:Celestia
- Civilization (computer game)Talk:Civilization (computer game)
- Civilization IITalk:Civilization II
- Civilization IIITalk:Civilization III
- Command and Conquer: Red AlertTalk:Command and Conquer: Red Alert
- Commander KeenTalk:Commander Keen
- CreaturesTalk:Creatures
- Creatures 2Talk:Creatures 2
- Creatures 3Talk:Creatures 3
- CrimsonlandTalk:Crimsonland
- Day of the TentacleTalk:Day of the Tentacle
- Defender of the CrownTalk:Defender of the Crown
- Descent (computer game)Talk:Descent (computer game)
- Diablo (computer game)Talk:Diablo (computer game)
- Diablo IITalk:Diablo II
- Diablo II Lord of DestructionTalk:Diablo II Lord of Destruction
- The DigTalk:The Dig
- Docking StationTalk:Docking Station
- DoomTalk:Doom
- Dune (computer game)Talk:Dune (computer game)
- Dungeon KeeperTalk:Dungeon Keeper
- Earth 2150Talk:Earth 2150
- Earth 2150: The Moon ProjectTalk:Earth 2150: The Moon Project
- Evil Genius (game)Talk:Evil Genius (game)
- Fallout (computer game)Talk:Fallout (computer game)
- Grand Theft Auto (game)Talk:Grand Theft Auto (game)
- Grand Theft Auto 2Talk:Grand Theft Auto 2
- Grand Theft Auto 3Talk:Grand Theft Auto 3
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTalk:Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
- Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasTalk:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
- Half-LifeTalk:Half-Life
- Half-Life 2Talk:Half-Life 2
- HomeworldTalk:Homeworld
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisTalk:Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic AdventureTalk:Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
- Lemmings (computer game)Talk:Lemmings (computer game)
- Maniac MansionTalk:Maniac Mansion
- Marble MadnessTalk:Marble Madness
- Max PayneTalk:Max Payne
- Monkey IslandTalk:Monkey Island
- MorrowindTalk:Morrowind
- OpenTTDTalk:OpenTTD
- PiratesTalk:Pirates
- QuakeTalk:Quake
- Quake IITalk:Quake II
- Quake III ArenaTalk:Quake III Arena
- RollerCoaster TycoonTalk:RollerCoaster Tycoon
- RollerCoaster Tycoon 3Talk:RollerCoaster Tycoon 3
- Sam and MaxTalk:Sam and Max
- Scorched Earth (computer game)Talk:Scorched Earth (computer game)
- Serious SamTalk:Serious Sam
- Shattered GalaxyTalk:Shattered Galaxy
- Sid Meier's Alpha CentauriTalk:Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
- StuntsTalk:Stunts
- The Incredible MachineTalk:The Incredible Machine
- The Secret of Monkey IslandTalk:The Secret of Monkey Island
- Total AnnihilationTalk:Total Annihilation
- Transport TycoonTalk:Transport Tycoon
- Uberhack for Total AnnihilationTalk:Uberhack for Total Annihilation
- Unreal TournamentTalk:Unreal Tournament
- Unreal Tournament 2003Talk:Unreal Tournament 2003
- Unreal Tournament 2004Talk:Unreal Tournament 2004
- Virtua FighterTalk:Virtua Fighter
- WarcraftTalk:Warcraft
- Warcraft IITalk:Warcraft II
- Warcraft IIITalk:Warcraft III
- Worms (game)Talk:Worms (game)
- X-wing computer game seriesTalk:X-wing computer game series
- You Don't Know JackTalk:You Don't Know Jack
- Zak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersTalk:Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
- Zillions of GamesTalk:Zillions of Games